The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Game Review

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Highlights

In The Amazing Spider-Man 2, players  assume the role of the iconic Super Hero – SPIDER MAN. Throughout his journey in this game, Spider-Man will encounter a number of new foes as well as some old friends, as he confronts a new threat to the city in which he lives as game hero peter. The narrative will give Peter Parker, Spider-Man’s nerdy photojournalist persona, investigates the complicated motivations and unique personalities behind the Marvel menaces threatening Manhattan city of USA.

The third-person action-adventure video game, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, builds on the story of the predecessor game with an alternative take on the events of the movie sequel, while also giving gamer/players an enhanced, free-roaming web-slinging experience through a greatly expanded New York City.

amazing spider-man 2 game

As Spidey, players will be able to free-roam through a greatly-enhanced Manhattan cityscape, offering a livelier, more engaging opportunities with which to put his sensational skills to use. This game is the new"Hero or Menace" system, which incentivizes Super Hero behavior by rewarding the spiderman’s crime-fighting efforts, and adds consequences for letting criminality fester. In this sequel of the game, Spider-Man’s personal brand of web-swinging and up-close-and-personal combat will see a variety of new features as well.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Reviews
The game has much-improved from 2012’s Amazing Spider-Man game. It’s much more fun than flying high above them on webs apparently attached to clouds. Having the left and right triggers (or mouse buttons) mapped to swinging with their respective arms is a nice addition, too; the ability to alternate adds a tad more authenticity to Spidey's wild and fast swinging, as does cutting around a corner by using the inside arm. 

Spider-Man game tips

Missions in the game of Amazing Spider-Man 2 are significantly shorter than its predecessor, The combat lead-up to a boss battle is actually pretty short – more often than not, you have to clear a single (albeit large) room of enemies before progressing to the supervillan. It takes about 15 minutes to beat one, but you’ll have spent another 15 during that mission slowly walking around taking photos and searching for items as Peter Parker. The biggest affront in this added time is the “interactive” dialogue sequences. These are consequence-free choices that just determine the order in which questions are asked. I really love these dialogues in the game.

Gamers can unlock more back-story via side-missions, but they're rarely worth the effort. Nevertheless, you will have to tackle them on occasion, since there are a few instances where the only requirement to progress in a mission is “explore the city.” The only good ones are the Russian mob hideouts, which are always just the right length and unlock cool new costumes.

The Amazing Spider Man 2PC Game review 2014

Release Date: 29th April 2014
Genre : Action
Publisher:  Activision