Alien sky is a very beautiful and rearly developed Game.
It is famous because of 2 main reasons:
1.Beautiful and Amazing graphical environment and
2. The Difficulty in user Game play.
I First played Alien Sky in the year 2004, but was unable to finish the game.
Even after 2-3 years of continuing the game, I was unsuccessful in finishing the game missions.
Most of the Players even today face the same issue.
But later after acquiring knowledge on Cracking on things in the Gaming enviroment helped me in succeeding this Game.

Now I have crack
for the issue and is known as “Pizza”.
Even do you face the same problem ??..
Download these 2 files :
Alien Sky Cheat
Alien Sky : how to apply cheat
The Instruction for using pizza to crack the game:
1. Start
2. Start the Game
3. Use Number keys for various Missiles and shields.
2. Start the Game
3. Use Number keys for various Missiles and shields.
Playing Alien Sky with succeeding and easy missions.
All the
Have a Look at the Screenshots that has been cracked and Played by me.
Take your eyes closer to the weapons and Shields field.